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Thanking our Mod Creator's


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With all the chaos happening on the nexus and many authors leaving the site, I, a simple consumer, wish to personally thank all the creators on Nexus for your hard work. I don't personally have any intention on using the new system that the Nexus team is pushing out. But I can understand in their point of view why they would like it part of the Nexus. I personally think its wrong and more than respect the choices of authors and their decisions to leave the community. I just want to give thanks to all of the community supporters, the mod creators, the Nexus staff, and the community as a whole for everything that has come from the Nexus community. The mods that where created in the past and the new ones being released have made our "gaming lives" all the more bright with the hard work, sweat, and tears that goes into these awesome creations. I whole heartedly agree with every statement that the authors of these mods owe no one anything and they don't. They should be praised for the donation of thousands apon thousands of hours they spend in the creation of their art, their craft. Thank you Mod authors. Just thank you. Men and women like "Arthmoor", "Elianora", and so so many others. Thank you. To the site creator "Dark0ne" and the management staff of Nexus like "BigBizKit" thank you. I think the community can come back from this if we simply just come together and understand it's ok to not agree, it's ok to have different opinions, it's ok to debate, but we must always do so having respect. At least from me, a simple user of the wonderful creations on display here and the community I have been a member of for a long time, Thank you everyone. Please everyone stay safe out there, and know that there is always a brighter tomorrow waiting for us all.

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