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need help with scripting


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its very simple actually, i want to edit the vampire disease script to shorten the time it takes for the vampire chnage script to start
so essentially i want to turn into a vampire after contracting the disease in hours instead of days



thanks again

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Open VampireDiseaseEffectScript.psc


Look for the following event block

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

	;Player has three days before he becomes a Vampire	
	If Target == Game.GetPlayer()
		VampireChangeTimer = GameDaysPassed.Value + 3


What you want is to change the equation:

VampireChangeTimer = GameDaysPassed.Value + 3


You want to change the + 3 into something else. GameDaysPassed is a global variable that keeps track of the current running time in game. This equation adds the 3 days to that. If you want to add only hours then you need to use a decimal or fraction.


some examples:


24 hours = 1.000 = (24/24)

21 hours = 0.875 = (21/24)

18 hours = 0.750 = (18/24)

15 hours = 0.625 = (15/24)

12 hours = 0.500 = (12/24)

09 hours = 0.375 = (09/24)

06 hours = 0.250 = (06/24)

03 hours = 0.125 = (03/24)

00 hours = 0.000 = (00/24)

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