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Texture Mods Not Loading


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Well, I've hit the end of the internet and couldn't find an answer. I just came back to the game after a decade and used Vortex to download a bunch of mods. I know I've at least got it functionally working because plugins like Sky UI, Apocalypse, & UnreadBooksGlow are showing up in the game. However, I can't get a single texture mod to load because I'm still seeing vanilla graphics. It seems I can't output a load order but when I installed the mods, I kept to making sure Skyrim 2020 Parallax was loaded last for the most part. What am I doing wrong? Looking through the forums, there's a lot of mod incompatibility suggestions, but outside of what Vortex might point out for file conflicts (which it doesn't), I have no idea what might be causing the textures to not load. Attached is a partial list of my mods. The texture mods do not show up in plugins, are they not supposed to? Any ideas?



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