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Purple Texture issues


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I have had some problems with my mods the past 2 weeks. I have researched and tried every fix i could find. The one thing that got all my mods working along with missing textures from unmodded skyrim i simply removed hires textures packs 2 and 3 the 1st one seems to be doing ok so far running for 3 hours took a break shut things down. Later played another 2 hours and things are still going good. If anyone knows a fix that will allow texture packs 2 and 3 to work again let me know plz.


Moved to Skyrim mod troubleshooting - each game has its own section where questions specific to that game can be addressed.


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You might try using the steam verify cache files thing--it could be that you are simply missing those texture files, this would allow steam to rewrite them.

Thanks this actually fixed some of my issues. I do have others that i need help with so if you know anything about the actual creation/editing of mods would you mind taking a look.

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