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NPC Khajiit... Just like any other NPC.


There are face gen data meshes & textures inside the Skyrim - Meshes.bsa and Skyrim - Textures.bsa. Search in each for a folder called Skyrim.esm and you'll have a large list of meshes and textures with 8 digit names. These 8 digit names correspond to the actor's editor ID number when Skyrim.esm is loaded in the Creation kit. You'll have to search deep under the actors/character directory. FYI - Same is true of DLC content, those however will be under a folder with that DLC's name. The first 2 digits may not correspond, but the last 6 will match the last six of the actor's editor ID number (the first two change with load order in the CK).


Do keep in mind that the NPCs do use the same mesh as the PC, but they are used in CK creation and not in Game creation as is the player character. If every NPC had to go thru the same process of calling up each texture layer rather than a merged texture, it would probably cause some unnecessary strain.

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Thank you SOOO much for finally giving me some clarity on this situation. I did notice the skyrim.esm file. And I was afraid that the game pulled its NPCs directly from that file. It appears my doubts were truths. So I would have to individually change each of these files to change the NPCs?

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Not necessarily. When you make adjustments to an NPC's looks in the Creation Kit you must use Ctrl+F4 (or you end up with the 'grey face bug') with the actor record highlighted but not open (best to do that after saving the plugin to ensure that the record is correct). When you export the face gen data via Ctrl+F4 the Creation Kit will use the stock assets as well as any overrides in the data folder. Therefore if you have any new meshes set up for the player (in the default location), they *should* be utilized.


Note however that I've not done that. It is just theory. Feel free to experiment and see what happens. Also note that there is a texture issue with exporting the face gen data. The layer's are not merged properly. One of them (I think it is one of the eye tint layers) colors more than it should thus causing an improper look. It is best to leave that tint map selection without color or manually rebuild the texture file by carefully layering, merging & replacing colors as needed on each of the tint maps being used.

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