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Archive Invaladation problem?


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Well when ever i try to install mods with a .bsa file the game pretty much says no and what happens is the game loads i go in game walk around everything is fine then suddenly around 30 secs in reload/gun/equip sounds disappear and my player gets a big red exclamation point on his body and my guns have the same to and everything else around me starts to have them. Like when i throw a grenade a s#*! ton of red exclamation points appear. It might be somthing to do with archive invaladation since when i open it up i get this .net framework error saying it cant find opendialog1 or somthing like that. I really need someone to help me i cant do anything with my current game state :(

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You've been all over the forum with problems all of them being different. Unless someone else can come around and tell you otherwise I'd uninstall EVERYTHING. Sometimes mods don't get completely removed even though you think you have. I'd hunt down everyfile and every folder delete it and start over. Again unless someone else can tell you otherwise thats what I would do.

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Yeah my game was running fine like perfect no crashes or anything then its when i got to arround 130 mods stuff started to happen. But il go and delete everything im not using and see if that helps

OK i disabled about 10 mods and deleted useless stuff and that seemed to fix the problem. Also my game use to stop responding after i exited the game to windows and now it does not :D thx

Edited by Inazuma22
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if you sure it all started when you hit 130 mods thats your number. Everyone has a certain number of mods they can run before the game craps out on them. like i said earlier try doing a merged patch for weapon mods by millenia

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