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Can't get any mods to work


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So I got Skyrim yesterday from the Steam summer sale. Today I decided to start modding so I downloaded SKSE and NMM. Then I downloaded SkyUI and a body mod with NMM and activated them. However they aren't working and neither shows up in my data files. Am I doing something wrong?


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You need to install SKSE manually, and not with NMM, if that is what you did - SkyUI requires that SKSE be installed correctly, so that's probably why it's not working.

The body mod will only show any difference with the bodies when the character is nude, unless you also installed a clothing/armour replacer for whichever body mod you installed, in which case the outfits should also change shape to fit whatever the body mod is.

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NMM works fine with the steam version of Skyrim as it was designed to work with it.

One common problem - Not running NMM as an administrator. Thanks to MS , there is a difference between being the administrator on your system, and Running a program as an administrator. :whistling: And you are expected to just know.


Here is a explanation of what to do if that is your problem. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4912979/1/

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