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Looking for Technical Help with Mod Creation


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Hello everyone :smile:


As the title says, I'm looking for help with specific mod creation.

I've been working on a mod that enhances a vanilla follower, but due to my lack of tech skills, I'm stuck when it comes to dialogue edits and the follower's integration with the player's activities.

I know what needs to be done but I don't possess the skills to do it. I've tried, and some things are simply beyond my capabilities.

I am primarily a fiction writer in my spare time. What I've done in the mod so far is pretty much the extent of my "technical" knowledge.


I'm looking for someone experienced and knowledgeable who would work with me closely on this project, by being the execution to my ideas. I am also open for suggestions and improvements.

My collaborator will have equal credit for the mod. If you wish to partake in donations and other mod rewards, you can take full advantage of those, I want nothing else but to make this mod happen as I envisioned.


  • The main take are dialogue edits and dialogue additions, whether by using xVASynth or splicing.
  • Since the follower should directly influence what the player is doing and vice versa, there would be some scripting as well.
  • As for the follower's specifics: he will have a backstory, he will own a horse and nothing else (save for his starting gear and skills/spells). He will be acquainted with some key people in Skyrim, he will have lore knowledge and he will be familiar with some places, and he will be able to advise the player according to all this knowledge.
  • The follower will have to be quest-aware when it comes to vanilla quests and DLCs. This includes dragon crisis, vampire crisis, joining the guilds, daedric quests, and civil war.
  • The follower will offer his opinion on everything important and depending on the player's actions, his approval can change. So there will definitely be an approval system that will dictate the follower's disposition. If the player's actions clash too much with the follower's system of values, the follower may leave and he will not be available for rehire.
  • I still haven't decided whether the follower should have his own framework or if that would be up to another mod, it depends on the level of complicated of either of those options. As I said, I am open for options.


I wish to expand on this follower in a way that would make him immersive and self-conscious, not just some brainless tool.

I am open for communication here on Nexus via PM, and also on Discord, just point me at the right server.


I hope someone will answer, because if I don't get any help, Belrand will remain as he is now.


Thank you for the attention :happy:

Edited by Katarsi
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