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Odd problem with NavMeshing


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I've just completed a mod I've been working on for the past 6 weeks or so and have been performing bug testing. I built it all on one system, zipped it up and dumped it another for a clean test. That method did actually help me catch a few things I didnt see on my build system. Looks like I've got it all worked out, except for one problem with the NavMesh.


I have a tall room that includes catwalks. The catwalks wind around over the main floor. Except for a few center spots, the main floor is fully NavMeshed, in many places under a catwalk path. The catwalks are fully NavMeshed as well. In several places, they lead up from the main floor to egress points out of the room.


I have two NPC's on patrol that walk from the top, around the catwalks, down onto the main floor and back up, all with no issue.


BUT, I also 3 NPCs not on patrol. They're scripted for sandboxing (making use of several activity markers) and have free reign around the room, limited only by a leash coordinate that they are required to stay with a certain range of (as they are meant to not leave this room).


The problem is that the sandbox NPCs keep attempting to walk from the floor directly to an overhead catwalk, and vice versa. Consequently, they are twitching their way up and down around the room. Why they didn't do this on my build system, I don't know. But it appears they aren't adhering to the rules of NavMesh edging. It's especially noticeable when they pass over the few nonNavMeshed points that they're supposed circumvent while on the main floor.


At first I thought maybe I could use a collision marker for the non-NavMeshed areas? But I'm not really familiar with that animal. And besides, the actors are still traversing vertically in areas unrelated the nonNavMeshed areas, just springing up and down on the screen.


I would like them to have the run of this room, but I'm unsure how to resolve this. Any ideas would be appreciated, because I am very much ready to upload!


EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention. The entire room's NavMesh is a single mesh. Maybe I could make it two? One for the catwalks and upper tier, one for the main floor, and then "finalize" them together. Though I thought that was only relevant for joining cell edges in the exterior world.

Edited by LordXayd
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I'm not familiar with colision markers so i couldnt say. One thing you may have to do is use fnvedit. Better yet I'll link you to a discussion explaining it. Be advisided though if you do use fnvedit make a copy of your file and back it up. Only use it when everything has been finished. I'd also hold off on anything I've said and wait to see if anyone else with more experience comments. Read through the first two pages in this link it should provide some useful info if all it needs is a conversion.


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I would stick with one mesh. And you finalized it, right? Try testing with the esm bit set in the plugin. Navmesh can be buggy in an esp.

Also, if you have furniture - make sure all furniture markers are covered with navmesh. Unreachable furniture markers will also cause Sandbox packages to bug out.

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I would stick with one mesh. And you finalized it, right? Try testing with the esm bit set in the plugin. Navmesh can be buggy in an esp.

Also, if you have furniture - make sure all furniture markers are covered with navmesh. Unreachable furniture markers will also cause Sandbox packages to bug out.


The ESM bit you say? Is that a checkbox and then Save in the GECK?

I've got a much bigger mod I'm working one that will include a lot more meshing.


And Gunslinger, I'll check out that fnvedit tool. I hadn't looked at it previously because I thought it might have a lightweight alternative to the GECK.

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I'd follow rickerhk's advise first. I'm pretty new to modding so while I can make a house its nothing massive or fancy. In other words I only have basic understanding of the geck.

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