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Does anyone know what happened to the Different Look For Female Marria


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So I had to do a clean install of Windows because I installed a new motherboard (Asus sabertooth 990FX GEN3/R2). Anyways I wrote down all the mods I needed to install and I'm still installing the mods.


However, I noticed that this mod I have called Different Look for Female Marriage Options is gone, I can't find it on nexus or the Steam workshop where it was also uploaded. Any idea what happened to it? Is there a different source I can legally download it from with author's consent?


Yeah it was a texture mod which changed how certain marriage options looked. Hopefully my saves can run fine without it if there's no other version for it.

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You should have no problem. The mod would just be textures files and an esp telling your game to use those files. Since neither exist you'll just have vanilla followers. If you liked the look next time consider saving your mods before reinstalling Windows.

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You should have no problem. The mod would just be textures files and an esp telling your game to use those files. Since neither exist you'll just have vanilla followers. If you liked the look next time consider saving your mods before reinstalling Windows.


Yeah I wrote all of them down, but I didn't anticipate one of the mods to be taken down. I was able to download all my other mods though.

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