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Does she like me?


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I am new here, but I just wanted to say that you have to be careful.


Its good that you love someone, but you have to be sure she feels the same way.


Its obvious to me that you two are good friends as a result. The real question is can you imagine her in your life in the future because if you push the question and she is not into you the same way you could inavertantly make her push you away.


I felt that way about a girl a number of years ago. Your story is very similar to mine. I stayed her friend instead of forcing the issue and now with hindsight I can see that my infatuation with her would have ruined our relationship. She needed me as a friend and thats what I was and we still are.


But at the end of the day its a risk you are going to have to make.


Regards Katklaw

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Be careful, as many have said. On the one hand, if action isn't taken, nothing may or may not happen. If action is taken though, you run a very high risk of losing what you have gained.


Don't take my word for it though. Humans are very complicated. And different....

Either way, best of luck to you. Here's to everything worth waiting for *raises glass*




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It's a roll of the dice with an all in bet. Are you willing to risk the close friendship just to date her? Chances are this friendship will continue into college, as mine is about to, yet you most likely won't date her through college and then propose to her. It's a matter of whether or not you'd rather be (potentially) life-long friends or something more than a friend for a short period of time. Short term, or long term, it's your choice. And I do hope you choose the latter.
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Sorry to hear this


from my perspective (of being in a much similar situation myself), you'd best just let go of your feelings for her.


In my case, i befriended this girl i've fallen for first, and THEN fell for her (of course in my case, i know exactly why i fell for her in the first place) however, dating her is the farthest from my mind and we have already approached the subject and are pretty much decided that if anything happens, it will wait until AFTER highschool/university (shes a workaholic, im farily laid back but am largely focused on the task at hand)


nonetheless, we've formed a strong friendship in the short time we've known each other (eight months to be specific)


stay friends, its your best bet

and listen to the women who have posted her (or even talk to your mother, lord knows my mother has been a real help) they know what they are talking about

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Well, I just wanted to thank all you guys for your input. And, I think I have realized at least part of why I was drawn to her like I was, and its because she is like my opposite in terms of lifestyle and all that. She is a huge extrovert, I'm more introverted, she has a open home life, with few restraints, I have lead a fairly sheltered life, etc. I think its just that I was such a good friend to her, and I guess I just wanted to share in her freedom and all that. I suppose that another part of it is that I'm a compassionate person, to a fault, and also want to help others when they are hurting. She has a hard life, and she was really in need of a helping hand, and it kinda grew from there, at least for me.
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Yeah, if you don't mind my asking, how old are you? I remember about, oh, three years back when I had a hard time with recognizing a relationship type love and a friendship type love. Granted, I'm 17, but everyone jokes that they wonder if the second 9 on my birth certificate was supposed to be an 8
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