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3.1GB limit = RAM + VRAM ?


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So the 3.1GB limit.


When I'm looking at Skyrim Performance Monitor, do I need to just be looking at RAM used, or do I need to be looking at the combination of RAM and VRAM?





RAM used 1090

VRAM used 2000



In the above example, do I still have 2000 RAM worth of wiggle room, or am I 10 RAM away from a crash?

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So the 3.1GB limit.


When I'm looking at Skyrim Performance Monitor, do I need to just be looking at RAM used, or do I need to be looking at the combination of RAM and VRAM?





RAM used 1090

VRAM used 2000



In the above example, do I still have 2000 RAM worth of wiggle room, or am I 10 RAM away from a crash?



it's like this;


RAM used by Skyrim; 900 MB

VRAM used by Skyrim; 1.8GB

VRAM mirrored in RAM by DirectX 9; 1.8GB


Ram usage total; 0.9GB + 1.8GB = 2.7GB



In Skyrim Performance Monitor you can just look at RAM used. It's already added.


But do note that SPM only displays your working set. So it could just CTD at 2GB used but in background it's actually 4GB.

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