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SETI signal found


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This is just for those people who, like me, are interested in science and the search for extraterrestrial life. Apparently a signal who MIGHT have been sent from an alien civilization has been found. It is, however, too early to say, and it will probably end up being an unknown astronomical phenomenon (which would still be an interesting thing) or a fault of the telescope (which would suck.)


If anyone wants to learn more about it:



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I'm telling you, if there is anything that will unite the planet and create world peace, it's the discovery of aliens. Once we find another "intelligent" spiecies we will be forced to unite because they refer to us as one thing: earthlings. They won't see blacks, asians, white people, ect. They will see one spiecies, and we will be forced to too. Well at least I hope that's what will happens....
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Tyjet: this particular signal, which is however considered UNLIKELY to be of extraterrestrial nature, originates from about 1,000 light years from our planet, which isn't that great a distance in the Universe. This means that, if it is indeed a signal from an alien civilization, it has been sent 1000 years ago. Should we decide to reply, it will take another 1000 years for our signal to reach them, and 2000 before we receive an answer, if they still exist, and if WE still exist. I don't think interaction between us and alien civilizaitons very likely... Just knowing that they exist, however, would be a great discovery, even if we have no means to speak with them :)
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