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item too heavy?


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Might not b right place to post but...(my apologies). Issue is..when giving my adopted son a red tunic....it said item too heavy. What is up with that? Tried giving him a sweetroll and got same result. Any thoughts on how to correct this? TY

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How much stuff have you given the boy? Perhaps you've given so much stuff that what you are trying to give will push him past his carry weight capacity.


One option to resolve...


Open console

Click on the child actor to get their ID# displayed.

Type RemoveAllItems

Next type ResetInventory


It should resolve itself as those two console commands remove all the current items (everything you've given them plus anything removable they had to start with) and restore their default items (what they had before you started giving them stuff).

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Update..u were spot-on with the possible fix for this...much appreciated. I used the showinventory first just to c what was in there and did 2 individual removeitem (with ID) on 2 rather heavy items but that didn't fix it. Tried again with showinventory, followed by removeallitems. Still a no go. Third attempt was showinventory, followed by removeallitems and the resetinventory. That or some possible combination of the 3 attempts solved the issue. He took the red tunic with a thanks. Again, I thank u also.

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