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Knights of the nine quest problem?


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I'm playing the dlc knights of the nine, and i've run into a problem. When i go to get the helmet of the crusader, Amiels skelton is gone. In its place is just his sword and shield. I cant find the proper ids for his journal or the ring, so i cant just add them to my inventory. My game is fully patched, and I dont have any mods that should be interfering with it. Does anyone have working ids or a workaround?

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the body's refid is xx001e21

if you think the skeleton has been disabled, you can try

prid xxoo1e21


or if you think you may not be where it is

player.moveto xx001e21

if neither of those work then his journal's baseID is xx000ede, his ring's, xx000edf, and his key's, xx000fcc


xx stands for the load order index of the Knights.esp

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