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How "smooth" is a sex change?


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I won't bore yall with why, but basically I want to change the sex of my char (from female to male).


I will probably use the Enhanced Character Edit mod, but I wanted to ask how "smooth" is it?


Will my daughters call me dad? Well the mothers love buff become fathers love? Will people automatically call me guy, dude, etc?


And even certain mods, I have no idea how mod authors set a gender observation event, so would quest mods also change smoothly?



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Alright so I tried it out. It works. Not clear on the custom mods though.


Anyway, is there a way to retain all my skills and abilities when I change races? Or should I just console command them to put them how they were.


I'm doing a sex/race change, I should mentioned. Nord female to Imperial male

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None of the things you want to do are smooth. Skyrim doesn't come smooth to begin with, and every time you fiddle with things the way you want to, you're taking a risk. You're much better off just starting a new character.

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using the console command "showracemenu" will funk up your characters skills. I hear that just changing your looks abit does not, but changing race and possibly sex will.


Theres a few mods that add spells and stuff that do it without ruinning your character.

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