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Some Questions about scripting


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I'm recently working on a mod for the magic system. For this mod i edited scripts (Quest Scripts) for the first time.

I therefore have two questions for which i couldn't find an answer in the forum.


How do i delete unused properties assigned to scripts?


Which script files (the .pex or the .psc ones or both ?) do i have to include in my mod if i want to share it with others?


I hope someone can help me with this.



Edited by Grommhellscream
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How do i delete unused properties assigned to scripts?

Go to each record form that uses the script

Highlight the script in the script section

Click on the Properties button

Any unused properties that are no longer on the script should no longer show up.

Press OK to exit all the windows and save the plugin.


If the script still has the property but is no longer being used..

Follow the same procedure as above

When the properties window is up

Select the property and clear the value.

Press OK to exit all the windows and save the plugin.


Which script files (the .pex or the .psc ones or both ?) do i have to include in my mod if i want to share it with others?

The PEX files MUST be shared or the mod will not work. It is good practice to include the PSC files. Should your mod have problems some users may be capable of locating and correcting any scripting issues if you have the PSC files available. They then might share such corrections/adjustments with you.

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