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Seeking a few mods.


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Hello everyone, I hope this is not a repeat of another post, if it is, kindly direct me to it!


These are the sorts of things I am looking for in FO3 (I have the GOTY edition, all DLC)


Sweeping radar, I really don't enjoy the compass style radar, I would love some kind of sweeping in the corner HUD radar, it'd even be 50's appropriate for retro flavor, maybe styled after the Aliens motion-tracker. Using the ping sounds to indicate how close something is, especially late at night with nothing but the ping to tell you something is approaching and a moving dot on the screen.


I've been having fun with the stimpack counter, and ambient temp/humidity mods, I would like to see some more along those lines, say..

Time of day/Month/Year.


Local rad level (instead of your own rad level some kind of meter to indicate how 'glowy' the local environment is, might be a nice flavor addition.)


Weapon Range meter, indicates each weapon's effective range, perhaps similar to how VATS uses percentages to indicate likelyhood of hitting. I've noticed a few weapons that though I can target in VATS my hit/miss ratio is uneven.


Armor Rating/Cnd marker, similar to the HP and weapon CND bar. Lets you know how damaged your armor is in combat.


Drug Meter. Some kind of indicator to show Drug being effected by, it's duration of effect and list what stats are changed by it on screen (like with number penalties/color codes/flashing colors.)



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