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EXTREME F*** UP. Please Help! Trouble In Paradise


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It was about 3 o clock in the morning while i was trying to download the Tropical Skyrim Mod. Well I was sleepy and I wasnt paying much attention to what I was actually doing so while I was installing Tropical Skyrim I forgot to completely back up all of my original texture files. So I manually installed and replaced all my vanilla files.


Im assuming I lost all those original files and now Im f*#@ed. While fighting Raptors and Dinosaurs truly is The s#*!, honestly Id prefer to have my other files aswell. Is there anything I can do? I Would like to uninstall the mod and resort back to Vanilla Skyrim and Im curious if there Is a mod that has all of the vanilla skyrim files. Ive searched google and Nexus myself but nada. I suppose NO OTHER DUMBASS other than I managed to do something like this. Maybe Im mistaken and there is a "Disable" Button for this mod, however, I have not seen anything. Im quite certain that there isnt and Im going to be forever stuck in....


Tropical Paradise.


Help Please :)

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You'll still have you original textures, they're just being overridden by the replacements. Disable the mod, now you need to go through and manually remove everything that mod added, you can do that by checking your game folders/files against those in the zip/rar/whatever you downloaded. It'll take a while but short of a fresh install of the game there's not much else you can do, I tend to make occasional back ups of my data folder, it's saved me from this sort of thing many times, something maybe you could do in future.

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Thank you so much :smile: I was praying a re download of all my files werent necessary!! Thank goodness they werent. You. Are awesome.

Even if you do do something like that where you replace everything, you can do a "verify game files" by right clicking on the Skyrim entry in Steam. If you have Steam that is. =p

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