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Strange Door Glitch


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I am experiencing a strange glitch when activating doors, doors that lead to new cells and doors that just open and close. It seems every time i activate a door in a cell, for example breeze home, the movable objects in the house like displays and such just get tossed around. Has anyone had a similar issue? Anyone know how to fix this?




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That is kind of a persistent bug in skyrim. It may be more obvious with certain mods, but it exists in any case. I think it is due to havoc settle issues and also maybe collision box issues--the collision box for many objects is not precisely the same shape/size as the object itself.

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it wasnt there before though...until the game refreshed my ini files. i have skyrim configurator installed but i cant load the backups and i cant remember what my previous settings were.


were you able to fix or at least minimize the issue?

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