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Dark initiate and dual wield


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Im sure there have been posts on this before but I just can't seem to find the right answer to it.
I reasonly got the dark initiate and Ive read that they can dual wield forsworn weapons, have this been removed in a patch or something?
Ive seen videos on it being done aswell,, but I just can't seem to get it to work.
Ive given her 2 forsworn swords but she only wields one, then I tried to improve one of them but she still only wields one, then I improved both to the same damage but she still only wields one.
Ive tried about everything, stripping her of all other stuf I had on her she still don't dual wield the 2 forsworn swords...
Im getting both pissed of and quite annoyed about all the attempts now since nothing is working.
I mean I stole the steel ingots that I improved the weapons with but I can't in my wildest dreams think that that have something to do with it.
I would be really happy if I could get some answers before I do a shorter ragequit or something :P

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The first question is where are you testing if she dual wields? Are you drawing your weapon and wanting her to draw hers, or are you in combat? If you just draw your weapon in a town/house or whatever, she'll only draw ONE weapon. However, in combat they'll use BOTH weapons. It's how it works with dual wield. Only the player is able to draw both weapons at the same time when not im combat. Followers will only equip one weapon, but they will use both in combat. If this isn't working, I would try to give her a forsworn axe and a forsworn sword rather than 2 forsworn swords. REMEMBER THAT THEY MUST BE IN COMBAT FOR THEM TO DUAL WIELD. If that still doesn't work for some reason, then you could try and give her a pickaxe and another weapon, but I'm not 100% sure how that works. And if you're on PC, you can always use mods to make all followers able to dual wield. Hope this helps, and good luck.

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Well I kinda feel stupid now, I haven't tried it in combat yet and now that you mention it I know that I have read that they won't dual wield outside of combat...
Need to try if she dual wield in combat, thanx alot.
First started this really late last night when I was really tired and again this morning and I couldn't figure out why, but that probably solves it :)

Thanx for the quick response.

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