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Activation of Firelance event


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I've been wondering how to actually activate this event, I just can't for some reason I ever went through starting again and nothing...this is all console version. I'll have to see what happens for me on the PC version. Plus for any of those looking for discussion on Fallout 3 on the console for Xbox 360 I am starting a party any of those may add me via Desert Scout...


Once again I've gotta know what's up I've searched every area as a possible mini-event and nothing not even radiation.

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The most important thing is knowing where random encounters can happen and visiting those places regularly. Places I've encountered it:


Right outside the super-duper mart

The rocket gas station east of Old Olney

Meresti Station train yard

Outside the south entrance to the flooded metro (down near the nuka-cola plant)


If you don't mind save scumming for it, quicksave before traveling to those locations, and then reload over and over till you get the encounter you want - you'll know it's the firelance because of the explosion far overhead.

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