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Shadows Appearing When Characters Gets Close to Object/Person


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Hi everyone,


I had my game running perfectly and then I stumbled onto an odd problem last night. I've already weeded out any ini tweaks being the cause because this problem began long after the last ini tweak I made.


The problem has to do with shadows. I know they're the worst part of the game, and I could never get them to look right so I completely disabled them and installed an ENB to make up for the lack of shadows which is why I can't figure out where this problem is coming from. When my character gets close to an object or person an odd, flickering, almost square-like shadow appears on them. It only happens outside and it only happens on the object or person closest to my character, nothing far away, and it doesn't happen on the ground either, or buildings. Mostly on things like tanning racks, blacksmith forge, people, carriages, ect.


I assumed that it is some kind of mod conflict, but I haven't installed any new mods that have anything to do with shadows, lights, the outside, nothing like that. I can't figure out where it is coming from, especially since, again, I have no shadows installed. Also, the mods I have installed are free from dirty edits.


It might be worth pointing out that this started happening after I downloaded Dawngaurd and Dragonborn and it hadn't happened before that.


If anyone has any advice, suggestions, needs to see my mod load order, or needs to see a picture to better show the problem please let me know. I'd really like to get this problem fixed as soon as possible since it's very immersion breaking.


Finally, I have posted this in two sections because I'm not sure if it is a technical problem or mod related. I hope that isn't an issue.


Edit: I figured out the cause of that problem last night. But it seems that fixing that problem has launched a new one, also dealing with shadows. Whenever my characters jumps when in first person, the screen goes black for a moment. It doesn't do it when I'm in the third person view point and it's driving me crazy. It's like this odd, almost like an eye opening and closing, whenever my character's feet touch the ground after a jump. I haven't the faintest idea what could be causing this. I'm assuming this isn't a comment problem, but if anyone has dealt with it or heard of it and has any suggestions I'd really appreciate it. Also, I have a feeling that this problem is ini tweak related and that somehow when I fixed the previous shadow problem I was having it created this new one, but I'm not sure which ini tweak that could be.


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