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Convert castle tunnels in extrior type cell and make it buildable


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the caastle tunnels is a very lore friendly place and its not even that big so that it couldnt be integrated with the main castle. I would definetly like if someone makes a mod convert the tunnels as a part of castle itself not as a different cell and integrate it with the armory quest as well as make it buildable with the main castle workbench.

Thanks in Advanced

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Can't be done as part of the same cell (mostly because it's underground, can't make holes in terrain in the Creation Engine), but it could be made buildable with a linked workshop, so they share supplies.


I suppose someone could replace the 'floor' of the castle courtyard with a large mesh, and pull down the terrain enough to fit the dungeon section above it, but you'd still have issues with the water level in the cell.

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