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Unpacking Mod BSA's.


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Hello all,


Just a quick question, but if I were to unpack BSA's from mods in order to more easily merge them (the mods I'm currently intending to merge are Slice of Life and Armored Bounty Hunter Duster) do I have to worry about any adverse side affects? Or can I simply extract the archive and the mod work normally?


I tried searching, but most that I could find were discussing the BSA's of the base game, not those of mods, but mentioned things like hair and headgear not working properly so want to ensure it's something just related to the base game and not all BSA Archives which have headgear and/or hair.

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Unpack both BSAs, combine their folder structure, and name the newly created BSA "Merged" whatever. The first part of the bsa name must be the same as the esp name. That way, it suggests to the game it should load the bsa as well.


Running them with loose files would work as well, but, if you are merging a bunch of mods, makes the folder structure kinda messy. :D

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Yeah, eventually I'm going to be making a BSA for the merge(s), but until I get it fully set up am intending to keep it to loose files (simply easier on my end at the mome and all). Thanks for the clear answer!


Now, on a side note, Can you load more than one texture BSA with a mod? I don't think I will need to do this, but would like to know in case. So for example, if the ESP were AB-ArmoryMerge.esp would it follow the same formatting as the base game?



AB-ArmoryMerge - Textures.bsa




AB-ArmoryMerge - Textures2.Bsa

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