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Not your ordinary texture issue


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First off, this isn't the typical "why won't my texture show up" question. I made a custom projectile and utilized the ironarrowflight.nif as a template. The problem happens when I apply my textures. Nifskope shows everything just fine but when I go to the creation kit I can't see anything as though the mesh never had a texture. Plus it doesn't show in game.


However, if I apply ANY other texture from ANY other object (even other ones that i've made the same way as these), it shows up in the creation kit. I made the textures like I always do, adjusting them in PS6, saving as .dds DXT5 files. I have files for the normal and environment maps too, all properly assigned.


Again, nifskope shows that everything is fine but the CK refuses to show the proper textures. Any help would be appreciated

Edited by dkraz3175
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I'm relatively new to working in NifSkope, so forgive me if I'm stating the obvious here...


I take it you've placed the required textures into the appropriate directory within the textures directory then assigned the textures in NifSkope:




AFAIK, as long as the textures are placed within a sub-directory of the Skyrims textures folder, and the mesh is set to look for these textures then it should all just work? This is what I've done for myself recently and it's been fine for me.

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Yeah, it's worked just fine for me too up until now. The only thing I can narrow it down to is that it could be because I have single sided planes in the mesh that obviously don't produce UV's for the back side of the normals. I'm going through now and adjusting this to hopefully alleviate the problem.


Thanks so much for taking the time to offer your advice. When you're as inexperienced and new to all this as I am it's really important to get people (rookies and vets alike) to help and I appreciate you stepping up to the plate.

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I only started this modding thing a month ago. Before that I had no experience with 3D modelling, texturing, scripting, or the CK. Youtube has been helpful as well as as few forums here, but it seems that I can't get help on this site anymore for some odd reason.

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From what I can tell (generally speaking) the experienced and knowledgable modders have moved on from Skyrim now and all that remains on the forums are new users requesting "noob" advice and some hardcore members. That's obviously a generalisation so hopefully someone will be able to help you soon - however I've had my fair share of questions being left completely unanswered, even ones which I though would stir up a bunch of debate and conversation, so google may be your best friend in the meantime - that and plain old experimentation / trial and error.

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I was going to try and help, until I realized you knew way more about this then me :blink:


I've been modding for about 6 months now, and I have no talent in moddeling whatsoever... I can do textures though!


And I sadly have to agree with LargeStyle, most of the 'good' modders abandoned ship it seems. They still come back to update their mods from time to time, but for the most part, newbie modders like me are all that's left.

^-^; hehe

Edited by ArtMurder
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Thanks for at least replying and attempting to help guys. I doubt I know way more than you ArtMurder if you've been working with this stuff for six months. I'm still at amateur tinkerer level working on finishing my first mod.


Update though: I remade the entire mesh to no longer have 1 sided faces with the backs exposed, re did the UV and STILL can't get it to show in the CK or in game. Again it shows just fine in Nifskope but the CK absolutely refuses to show the mesh with its proper texture as a projectile.


Google has completely failed me on this one so I might just have to abandon the project. I can only assume it's a problem with the UV map or textures but seeing as to how all the settings are the same as every other one I've made, I can't for the life of me figure it out.

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FWIW: I've just had a quick look at the nif you mentioned.


First thing I noticed was that it only used two textures - the visual and the normal, but you mentioned others?


Second thing that sprung to mind was collision data - has this been set?


Again, my knowledge is complete poop, but when I wanted to make a shape (from 3DS Max) and stick it into Skyrim via NifSkope I used the following guide (if you're unaware of it) along with the guides linked base file setup ready for Skyrim use...



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Thanks again but I'm not sure what nif you looked at since the one I'm having problems with is of my own making. As a general rule I always make a diffuse map, normal map, environment map, and specular map for all of my meshes. I even made a glow map for this one. I know where all the various maps get assigned in the texture fields and all that is fine.


I'm using the ironarrowflight.nif as the template and simply replacing the arrow mesh with my own. Everything else remains unchanged other than the textures. The crazy thing is that it shows up just fine if I leave the ironquiver textures in there or use ANY other texture that I've made or extracted.


I have no idea why this ONE texture won't show in the CK and it's driving me absolutely CRAZY!

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