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Dummy NPC


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Hello, my question today may be simple, it may not. I have no idea! :D


Anyway, my question is that how can I make the dummy mesh/texture be an NPC with infinite health AND everytime you hit him with a sword or destruction magic, make the skill level go up...half as much if it were a normal NPC...?


Seems kind of like a jumbled up question, so...


What the dummy needs to do/be:


- Be an NPC with unlimited health.


- Each time a sword hits it/destruction magic hits it, it will level up your skills only half as much.


- Make it immobile.


- Dummy cannot attack you.


That's basically it.

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I think it is possible, though I haven't tried it. I believe this would achieve what you described:

- Make a small room to store the NPC

- Give him a cloak ability with radius large enough to cover the room

- The cloak applies a perk which reduces the leveling rate of player

- Script him with SetUnconscious function to make him not react with any thing

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