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Everything posted by Windwhistle

  1. I would love a mod where you can tell Preston to send Minutemen to do it. I don't even need to see the Minutemen, just have the quest be completed or failed based on a percent chance. The percent chance could come from how many settlements are currently under Minutemen control, main quest progression, The Castle being conquered. idk something
  2. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Commonwealth_Provisional_Government
  3. It would only make sense, lore-wise at least, to have the player character restart the CPG when they're the Director of the Institute. The Institute tried to start/support the CPG, but the Commonwealth didn't really play nice. That's why the Institute turned into a more secretive organization.
  4. It doesn't work. Why couldn't bethesda just be like "HEY THIS WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO ADD" .-.
  5. I'm a little new with scripting, so if I did something terribly wrong please forgive me. I attached the script below to my spell, which is a power that makes your sight green until you cast it again, and it's not changing my player's eye color at all. Scriptname RobynGreenSightGlowingEyesStart extends ActiveMagicEffect Function SetEyeTexture(TextureSet akTexture) native Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) debug.notification("Green Sight started.") TextureSet EyesMaleHumanDawnguard akCaster.SetEyeTexture(EyesMaleHumanDawnguard) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) debug.notification("Green Sight finished.") EndEvent EyesMaleHumanDawnguard IS the eye color name that I want it to change to.
  6. Yes, I know there are many topics on this, but they all have no answers. Can anyone tell me how to change the eye color of your player character using a spell, and then back to the original eye color using the same spell. So kind of like Night Eye, it can be dispelled.
  7. Where can I find the playerteammate flag? I'm sorry, I'm a bit new to actors in the CK. :P
  8. So, I made an NPC, I made him able to be summoned, everything is working. I just need some help on how to get these three things fixed/added. 1.) The NPC has the zombie dialogue. As in, he constantly says "uhhhh" and moans when attacking. Anyway to make him say the normal dialogue when attacking and stuff? 2.) Add the "Sovngarde" effect on him. By this I mean the effect that the NPCs in Sovngarde have around them, the kind of golden glow, I guess. 3.) Finally, how can I make him unsheathe his weapon when I unsheathe mine? Is this possible if he's a summoned NPC?
  9. So, I made a trigger for "Food and Drinks", put the container/chest under the table and the static objects itself. Linked the trigger to the chest, etc. It all worked perfectly fine. Now I tried to do the same thing with a "Wardrobe". I did everything properly... - Checked player activation in primitive. - Linked the trigger to the proper chest. - Added the "ActivateLinkedDummyChest" to the scrips in the trigger. It's just not showing up when I put my crosshair over where the trigger is though. Why does the first one work, but the second one doesn't?
  10. I meant for the weapon to only appear if the PLAYER's name was "Bob".
  11. Is there any way to have a weapon appear ONLY if the character's name is...let's say..."Bob"?
  12. I want it as a container that can't be picked up and flung around.
  13. Hey Nexus! I'm fairly new to modding. I was wondering if I could disable the push E to grab on a container. I made an ingot stack mesh a container, but I can push E on it and grab it. Anyway to disable that?
  14. Been following this mod for a while, I think I made a post way back when? Anyway, shoot us some beta links soon! :D Really interested in this.
  15. If anyone's willing to do this: http://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=131985 I'm sure a lot of people would like it. ;) cheers bb
  16. I can't press TAB for the little menu thingy, I can't unsheathe my weapon, I can't open doors, I can't interact with anything! I've completed the Battle for Windhelm, Imperial side obviously, I also have Civil War Overhaul installed. Since Civil War Overhaul bugs out on me for the final battle, I had to do some stuff manually, like teleport General Tullius and Legate Rikke to Ulfric and Galmar. Then I attacked them, and it went as normal, Tullius and Rikke go out for their speech, they do the speech with NO AUDIENCE, and then it goes to normal. Then I go to Whiterun, go back to Windhelm, and I can't interact with anything. Anyone else having these problems with Civil War Overhaul? Because tbh I'm just about to restart my character without CWO.
  17. Why not just post the link on this page..?
  18. I believe what you could do is just click on one of them, type in console "setrelationshiprank player 2" and done. Then do the same with the other one.
  19. Couldn't you just add NPCs and a settlement through CK?
  20. But surely the Elves of Winterhold would recognize House Telvanni still having grand wizards that could even rival the Arch-Mage of it's College. No?
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