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Having one hell of a time with this

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Okay so Im having one hell of a time with this.


Im using

Roberts FO3 body

Breezes FO3 body

Project Beauty



and i have the blackened Patch for Beauty MMM and FWE to work together.


the only thing wrong is atm all beggars have a red diamond head... its only the beggars too no other person be it man woman or beast is having this problem but those beggars :(


can someone help me fix my diamond men please

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Disabel Project Beauty and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you did not install the mod correctly. If it does not, than disable each of your mods until the problem is corrected.

You have a missing mesh.

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Disabel Project Beauty and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you did not install the mod correctly. If it does not, than disable each of your mods until the problem is corrected.

You have a missing mesh.

:/ but wouldnt that mesh be for more than just beggars? I mean thats the only people having this problem Ive been from Megaton to Rivet city and the only people are those singular beggars outside of places like tenpenny XD

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Disabel Project Beauty and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you did not install the mod correctly. If it does not, than disable each of your mods until the problem is corrected.

You have a missing mesh.

Okay I figured out three Esps that are causing it.


Mart's mutant mod - Project beauty.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Project beauty + FWE.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp


DO you know personally if I need those I have the blackened FWE + MMM + Project beauty.esp and that + everything else related except those 3 I listed make the beggars get fixed.

Edited by OyabanKyuubi
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