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Check if NPC is follower of player?


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I want to modify a magic effect to not affect followers of the player (and them only), because I sometimes accidentally hit them in combat (we are both melee based). Looking through the condition functions right now...hopefully I'll find it, but does anyone know off the top of their head the proper function to check for this?


EDIT: Think I found it, GetPlayerTeammate? There's no page on the wiki about it, but it sounds right and the SetPlayerTeammate sounds like something that would be run on an NPC to turn them into a follower. Sound about right?

Edited by mwpeck
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It's more due to what the effect does than me hurting my follower. To be more specific I use SkyRe, and playing an unarmed character I have the Monkey's Trickery style perk (basically it lets you steal a shield from an enemy if they have one, followed by a weapon, but only once for each item type per respawn). It's only a 25% chance to happen, but the problem is I would occasionally hit my follower instead of the enemy, and strip them of their weapon.


It's more or less a bug that needs fixing in SkyRe, so I decided to take it upon myself to fix it. That being said, GetPlayerTeammate seems to work as you might expect it to, after intentionally smacking my follower to the point of defeating her 3-4 times I did not steal her weapons at all.





use CurrentFollowerFaction

Thanks, granted my method appears to work fine, that sounds like it would be a better method to use.

Edited by mwpeck
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