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a few ideas


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so i had been thinking about this for a while now and thought i should bring this up with the modding community as a whole, as i am sure most of you are aware bethesda has decided to stop making dlc and i think what would be a good way to get them back on board the dlc making wagon would be to have a petition sent in stating that they could have 1 person from their studio oversee a team of great modders for purely making new content bethesda could still make money off their game and the modders on the team would get their foot in the game creation world or perhaps even their foot in the door to the next big bethesda title FO4 i'm not suggesting HUGE DLCesque mods like Falskaar that would take forever and a day to complete in a timely manner but something along the lines of texture packs and weapons/armor maybe even long term bug support or something to that effect, they'd have no real reason to refuse a team such as this because they could still continue to make money and fund their newer projects, this would also help get some of those amazing mods to the console community making the game much more enjoyable :biggrin:

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well the idea would be that bethesda could release creations by the team as official dlcs so long as its nothing inappropriate and adds to the games over all looks or expansion as they said when they started working on dlc they didnt intend on making a bunch of small dlc but what we did get from it was dlc that was 5-20$ a pop for large expansions and hearthfire but with this there could be an endless stream of content and only a dollar or two a piece and it would give the console players something to play around with as well as contribute to a great studio we all love and not just that but it would be a way for bethesda to look for new talent to add to their studio making their next games even better and allowing mod creators who have an interest in game developing a chance to learn a thing or two in the process

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