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Having dificulty cleaning .nif file for skyrim.


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So I'm new to modding and having issues every step of the way. I want to customize some modded armors for my own use so right now I'm just learning how to safely convert a nif file to blender and back to a nif file. I'm testing this with killer keos stormcloaks cuirass that I've coppied from the mod to a folder separate from the game folders. I've successfully imported the nif file to blender, and exported it to a new nif file, but I'm having difficulty cleaning the file for skyrim.


Wen I try to manually clean the nif I come across a few problems. The first is that I cannot delete 'NiMaterialProperty', but I can delete 'BSPPlightingShaderProperty'. Moving on when Adjusting NiTriShape, the Num UV Sets are grayed out and set to 0, but there is an editable "BS Num UV Sets" and it is set to 4097 So I set it to 1. And finally I open the original Killer Keos stormcloaks cuirass to copy "BSPPlightingShaderProperty' into the new file's NiTriShape Properties list, but the Properties list is grayed out so I put it in BS Properties instead. I test it, and this is the result.




So I Tried Nifcleaner.exe, but stormcloak is not in the shader library, so I try to add it. but I cannot name the pasted shader, I can only scroll through numbers that correlate to shader names that already exsist. So I leave it at -1 wich is blank. I open the file in nifcleaner, pick the blank shader for the armor, and CalienteBodyShader for the body and I get the same result.


Can anyone identify what I am doing wrong?

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