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When i create those female "human" characters,


I noticed that they seem very skinny..or as if they are anxeoric.(sp?)


But I do use exem's body mod..and i cant seem to get the "fit" bodies he has in those screenshots..can anyone help?

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are you talking about armors and clothes on the women? everything in the game uses a specific mesh, so if your chearacter is increbily skinny it means that whatever equipment/body mod is causing it. if it doesn't look like the pictures led you to believe, then post a complaint in the respective mod thread and ask for it to be fixed, but if you just don't like the look of the armor all you can really do is find a new one.


you say your having trouble fitting things to exnems body. do you mean in modding it to work properly, or just in game. I can't help with the first, but with the second you need to find some armor or clothing fitted to exnem

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When i create those female "human" characters,


I noticed that they seem very skinny..or as if they are anxeoric.(sp?)


But I do use exem's body mod..and i cant seem to get the "fit" bodies he has in those screenshots..can anyone help?


I'm wondering if you mean the HGEC fighter body, which is not the same as the older Exnem body. I think the Exnem body is not anorexic by a long shot, in my opinion it's pretty soft and feminine, hardly anorexic. The tummy is one of a "good eater", and the hips and butt are wide and flat. I prefer a bit slimmer myself, with a rounder butt, more like the much older and now largely unsupported Eshme. There are other choices, like The Biu Bab Adventuress body with better low body by Danis13, unfortunately these are largely unsupported as well. The team Fantasy Figures is a pretty and feminine body but not as curvy as I prefer. Body styles are like politics, not very logical and purely a personal preference.


I suggest you take your time and explore the tesnexus file system narrowing your search by "models and textures" with the keyword "female" in the description.


Understand that any armor you equip may change the body temporarily, while it's equipped.


We're lucky there are a lot of choices, but we are limited by the armor and clothing options, unless you are flexible about taking on other characteristics temporarily. Just realize that no real woman looks exactly the same every day, either, some outfits make us "look fat" some make us look more busty, some make us look flat, clothing can truly alter a woman's appearance. If you're a man you might not notice this, because most women "choose a look" for themselves and buy clothes to achieve that same look. Same with men. Now think of the best actors, like Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Heath Ledger or Johnny Depp. I can do that too.


Sorry about the rant, but I think people should get over it and use their imagination and they'll be happy with all the choices we have, because Oblivion players have "an embarrassment of riches", and very little appreciation for it.

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