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Skyrim glitches and dollar signs?


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I have a few mods in skyrim. I honestly had no idea how to download them so I taught myself by screwing up and learning from it and just retrying over and over. Everything worked well. While playing for some reason I just wouldn't run. It happened suddenly too. Stamina was fine, inventory wasn't maxed, so I restarted the game (made a new one) and I still couldn't run in the beginning where the dragon first attacks. I shut the game down and cleaned up my data/textures folder and everything was fine. I could run again. Then out of the blue some chapters later during combat I just started slow walking again. Common sense told me to check my data folder but it was my Skyrim Elder Scrolls V folder that had all these random new files in it. I deleted everything that looked like it was out of place. Now that I've restarted my game after doing so I noticed I have some mods missing. I probably accidentally deleted them though and now I have dollar signs in front of the words under game options, and probably a few other things. What's up with that? And exactly why does my game glitch causing me to not be able to run? Is it because of the modding/data files getting messy or something?

PS. I could run again. But still...I don't want this to be a reoccurring problem /:

Edited by Blowmeslowly
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Since it seems to me that you messed around with your Skyrim-installation a lot, having problems with that, I suggest you should uninstall and remove everything leftover after (Installation-folder and myDocuments-folder). Backup your saves and write a list with the mods you used. Maybe you can provide us with this list so we can find possible compatibility problems before you install these mods again. Install again and backup the not-modded version.

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