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"Hadvar Diapered" The Skyrim Civil War Overhaul Mod


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I can't currently access the mod page to see if there is a fix for this bug on the mod page. So don't rage at me if it is on their!


I recently installed "The Skyrim Civil War Overhaul Mod" and the "Random Alternate start mod" for a new character (Also installed some Other mods which i won't specify as I don't think they're the source of the problem). The Civil war quest line went well bar a few glitches, which where easily fixed... until the part when you have to raid a stormcloak caravan with the Imperials! Hadvar had disappeared. After lots commands such as player.moveto 0002BFA2 which turned out to take me to random places (whiterun, Windhelm, helgen, riften) I decided to turn on Quest Markers and thought I walk to the Location where Hadvar should be (The Middle Of Whiterun For some Reason) and found nothing there. I typed in the same commands like player.moveto 0002BFA2 and every time it would send me to whiterun and I would find no Hadvar. If you any commands to fix this then please get back to me asap!

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  • 11 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Ok so I found a loophole on this problem. Go to where Hadvar should be ready to ambush the wagon. Instead of trying to talk to him, go attack the wagon. After you win the battle you should have 2 markers for Hadvar - 'meet the men' & 'report back to Hadvar' but he is still invisible. From here fast travel to Dragonsreach and talk to Leggate Cipius. He will automatically start the quest 'Battle for Riften'. This will cause Hadvar to re appear and start running towards Solitude. It's hard to catch him but it can be done. Talk to him, then all is fine again.
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Ok so I found a loophole on this problem. Go to where Hadvar should be ready to ambush the wagon. Instead of trying to talk to him, go attack the wagon. After you win the battle you should have 2 markers for Hadvar - 'meet the men' & 'report back to Hadvar' but he is still invisible. From here fast travel to Dragonsreach and talk to Leggate Cipius. He will automatically start the quest 'Battle for Riften'. This will cause Hadvar to re appear and start running towards Solitude. It's hard to catch him but it can be done. Talk to him, then all is fine again.

I don't know- and I won't even ask- how you decided talking to him would be logical, but hell if it didn't work! Thanks so much, you probably saved me 5 hours of google searching not finding the answer. Thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hahaha, glad that helped. I know I was in Dragonsreach for something completely different when i noticed he just looked a little out of place standing there. It was all by chance. Unfortunately on my game my men decideded to stop fighting at the gates of Riften and walk off like nothing happened. Even on a fresh game with no mods the civil war quest line doesn't work.
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  • 4 weeks later...

There is a much easier solution. Just like if Rikke/Galmar is not appearing at camp, but their quest arrow is there. Just type in "Prid 0002BFA2" (Hadvar RefID) then enter, then type enable. He should appear at the location of his arrow. I just went through trying to fix it myself and that took care of it. No need to run around.


PS just another quick note. If it shows he is in Whiterun after typing in "prid 0002bfa2" and enter type moveto player. That will force him to you even if not visible. Then type enable.

Edited by theriaya
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  • 4 months later...

Ok so I found a loophole on this problem. Go to where Hadvar should be ready to ambush the wagon. Instead of trying to talk to him, go attack the wagon. After you win the battle you should have 2 markers for Hadvar - 'meet the men' & 'report back to Hadvar' but he is still invisible. From here fast travel to Dragonsreach and talk to Leggate Cipius. He will automatically start the quest 'Battle for Riften'. This will cause Hadvar to re appear and start running towards Solitude. It's hard to catch him but it can be done. Talk to him, then all is fine again.


Worked for me too! Thanks a lot! He stopped at Whiterun gate so I got to talk to him....

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

There is a much easier solution. Just like if Rikke/Galmar is not appearing at camp, but their quest arrow is there. Just type in "Prid 0002BFA2" (Hadvar RefID) then enter, then type enable. He should appear at the location of his arrow. I just went through trying to fix it myself and that took care of it. No need to run around.


PS just another quick note. If it shows he is in Whiterun after typing in "prid 0002bfa2" and enter type moveto player. That will force him to you even if not visible. Then type enable.


This worked, thanks.


Sorry for the necro, but hopefully this thread won't be deleted and can help others.

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