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THIEF style armor.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm surprised there isn't something already. I was dismayed when I found nothing on nexus but forum posts requesting it. seconded!

This old thread has some pictures from older games.





I'm not just interested in armor but a thief overhaul, like here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/516726-thievery-overhaul/?hl=%2Bgarrett&do=findComment&comment=4214863 except something that's a one-stop shop, that mirrors the lore or the thief series closer than skyrim. elemental arrows anyone? extinguish fires and torches? shoot the ground with a moss arrow to soften your footsteps? fire arrows, cuz well, fire? What if rope arrows were possible? can you imagine how much fun this could make archery?


I know the chances are low any attention will be paid to this, and I know modders themselves are busy people. But I figured I'd put it out there, that there is demand for this. There are definitely nexus modders, and even more skyrim players who must love the thief series as well. so it just makes sense.


If anyone does take up this endeavor I'm fairly adept at finding visual resources as well and can help with pictures from the new game, high rez, I'm also willing to help with graphic design but I don't know much about mod making. email me [email protected]

Edited by allydietrich
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