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Dumb Question


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Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else (and it seems so simple that it must have been) but I can't find the answer. :P


I'm trying to make a plugin that introduces a couple NPCs who possess items from a different plugin. However, when I start Skyrim, the newer plugin seems to forget everything that I used from other plugins. (Modded weapons, armour, hair colour, etc.) and upon reloading the plugin, all of the non-base game items have been removed from the NPC's inventory and character gen data and the like.


It seems like anything that I reference from a non-master file gets removed when I exit Creation Kit.


There has to be a fix for this, since I know of plenty of mods that compile more than one other mod.



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No need to duplicate anything. It only leads to multiple copies of the same thing. And if those are player usable you end up with too much inventory/crafting clutter.


Best solution to using content from other mods when those mods will be necessary for use anyway...



The linked subsection is all you need to read.

Ignore the rest unless you're curious but the rest isn't necessary to what you need.

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