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CK Questions - Stagger Resistance, Attack Frequency, Animation Speed a


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Hello everyone. I have been playing around with the CK and I have a couple of questions, primarily regarding NPCs.

My specific goals here are in regard to dragons, although I will probably apply some of the same ideas to other NPCs later on. I'd like to reduce the player's ability to stagger dragons, and I can't figure out where the mechanics governing this are located, and documentation concerning some of the CK is very shoddy. I read that stagger resistance could be effected by modification of the "Base Mass" value in the race dialogue, however there is no clear documentation (that I could find) as to what this value does and what else it may effect. I did note that the Alduin race has a base mass of 7, higher than the base mass of Dragon race at 4. I can't find anything in the actor dialogue that would seem to help me either.

Additionally, I'd like to increase the frequency with which dragons attack during combat. While on the ground, dragons tend to spend a lot of time doing nothing between melee strikes and they rarely use their fire/frost breath and shouts (in fact their use of shouts may be stopped entirely by using a non-modified version of the "impact" perk or by being hit with lightning storm, which is primarily why I want to add some sort of stagger resistance). In contrast, enemies like forsworn bombard the player with attacks, magic, etc. Surely there is something, somewhere that governs the frequency with which an NPC is able to do an attack.

Another thing I was wondering about is if there is any sort of way to make an NPC entirely immune to disintegration via the "disintegrate" perk or through the use of lightning storm (or other causes of disintegration besides the death of a re-animated actor).

Finally, and on another topic, I would like to know if anyone can direct me on making the animation for master spells play more quickly. It is easy to change the charge time for a master spell but only a portion of the spellcasting animation is played.

Thanks all!

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I'm planning on making my first mod which will be called "Better Dragons." I plan on it making dragons spawn slightly more often, giving them a lot more health and armor, more damage etc. Only problem will be that, like other dragon mods, you can still just stagger a dragon constantly with a shield/spell and slowly kill him, so I want to make all dragons immune to stagger. So basically what I'm saying is, I want to be able modify dragon stagger resistance too! (Guess that's quicker :biggrin:)

I'll be sure to post if I find out how

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Excellent blacksupernova, thank you. Are the applicable values for that field 0-100? And if so does that cause a percentage-based resistance to stagger (might stagger, might not) or does it effect the power of the stagger (plays a smaller portion of the stagger animation; for instance an 80% resistance would reduce a stagger of 0.25 to a stagger of 0.05)?

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To be honest, I have never noticed any differences when setting the value to anything other than 0 but it is surely not percentage-based resistance. I think it affects the strength of stagger (stagger larger actors or stagger longer, again, I can't tell). But if you want to make percentage-based resistance, you can set the value to 0 and add condition getrandompercent

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