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Filling Holes in the Texture Pack Combiner


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As I've recently come across this, and watched someone play with the full TPC installed; I thought I'd give it a try.


The problem is that there is one big gaping hole in the TPC that is the SRO.


My question is... What files are left unaltered by this being missing? If the bulk of it is covered by, say... Skyrim 2k HD, could I just install that first, and then install my 7z file from archiving the TPC combined data folder?

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SRO = Skyrim Realistic Overhaul.


Out of curiosity I've just run a few tests to find out more about TPC file usage. For the test I've used all 3 required mods, but based on an early version TPC before it started to combine a whole stack of mods, and I haven't included HD2K Riften update. All 3 texture mods used are the lower resolution / lite versions.


TPC: All 3 mods

Size: 1.38Gb

Files: 1,307



Size: 385Mb

Files: 291



Size: 17Mb

Files: 20



Size: 1.09Gb

Files: 996



Therefore, in terms of files used in a percentage...


HD2K: 22.26%

SHD: 1.53%

SRO: 76.2%


...which I was actually surprised with (I though HD2K would've been used more than it was).


Anyways, to answer your question you can obviously use and combine whichever texture mods you want to, i.e. use HD2K as a base and copy and TPC combined files over the top of HD2K - but as the percentages state above, doing that particular approach will mean that (with SRO missing) HD2K will take up 98.4% of the textures so it's probably not worth bothering with.


I personally like lots of elements from SRO (roads and certain town textures) so if I were you I'd obtain SRO even though it's not on Nexus / Steam. Other members can't upload SRO so you'll have to google your way into finding the mod. It is out there but I best not say anymore to respect Nexus polocies.

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Hi! I've just bought the legendary edition of skyrim from steam (to play it legally and for modding) and I've encountered a very poor fps number (around 15-20). I think I've done everything right, I downloaded every basic and plus plugins, and downloaded the biggest and best files where I had to choose. I think my computer is (was?) pretty good when I've bought it a few years back (if that is the problem). I haven't really followed the pcs growing since I've got this pc and a ps3, so I don't know if it I did something wrong or my computer is not as good as I think. If my pc is weak, should I even use graphic mods?

My specs:
Win 7 64bit
4Gb ram
Quad Core: AMD Phenom ll 955 processor 3.20Ghz
OCZ Vertex-4 Ata Device
VGA: Ati Radeon HD 5850 1Gb vram

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Greeting cared, and welcome to the forums / Skyrim comminity. However I think it would be more appropriate to start a new thread within this particular section of the forums or use the Technical Support section...




This thread is to discuss a particular issue / enquiry with a particular mod.


As for your fps concern, when / if you make your own thread then include absolutely all of the mods which you're using - then, and only then can we understand the situation properly.

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