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Automation Tools for TES5Edit - Suggestions Thread


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Hmm... Not sure what use that is. It appears just to write out the record types to an ini file, like so:


Edit: What I am looking for is a means to build FLST from keywords on Forms, specifically Inventory Items.

Edited by trilioth
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I'd like to be able to generate a form list of a specified form type sharing the same keywords or possibly other properties.


Edit: Combining form lists would be nice too. I see mention of a form list manager, but I don't understand how to access it or use it. I used github to grab the latest files.


Edit: If I could simply get that first feature along with an import/export into readable text I could do whatever else I wanted outside of TESVEdit and import.


There are some functions in the most up to date version of mteFunctions (which you can acquire from my GitHub) which allow you to easily apply certain conditions to records. E.g. HasKeyword, HasPerkCondition, etc. My recommendation is we make a script similar to my Re-Evaluator script where you can add conditions to control whether or not the record is exported.


As far as exporting specific form types (e.g. ARMO records), the user can pretty easily select their ARMO record groups from the mods they want to make formlists for. Seeing as TES5Edit is already so nicely organized into record groups I don't see any reason to have a if Signature(e) <> signature then exit; check (or anything similar to it) in the script you're suggesting. Having such a check would allow for more in-bulk processing, but it would also make the in-bulk processing fairly slow.


However, using GroupBySignature(file, 'SIGN') would be fast, and could allow you to bulk up to applying the script to 100 files while exporting only ARMO and WEAP records, or something.



well, I can help with half of it. idk if he added his formlist tools to the download yet ^_^

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52922/? <--this helps you export lists of formIDs.


I haven't updated my GitHub with the latest versions of QuickChange and QuickDisplay. Once I do users will have access to some new functionality that should allow for easy formlist exporting/importing.


Hmm... Not sure what use that is. It appears just to write out the record types to an ini file, like so:


Edit: What I am looking for is a means to build FLST from keywords on Forms, specifically Inventory Items.


Not sure what script you're using, but when I used EnigmaniteK's script I was able to get it to export things just fine. Not sure if an update changed things, but it was working.


So are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding the keywords used on them to a formlist? Or are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding them to the formlist if they have certain keywords?

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So are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding the keywords used on them to a formlist? Or are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding them to the formlist if they have certain keywords?



I'm looking to process all inventory items and add them to form lists if they have certain keywords.

Edited by trilioth
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So are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding the keywords used on them to a formlist? Or are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding them to the formlist if they have certain keywords?



I'm looking to process all inventory items and add them to form lists if they have certain keywords.



Ok. That's doable, but there isn't really a script that does precisely that (yet).


I can make one. Probably will have it done by the end of today.

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Hmm... Not sure what use that is. It appears just to write out the record types to an ini file, like so:


Edit: What I am looking for is a means to build FLST from keywords on Forms, specifically Inventory Items.

that's it saving what you selected (checkboxes, not items), like the Find Records script. you want the .txt file, not the .ini.

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Ok. That's doable, but there isn't really a script that does precisely that (yet).


I can make one. Probably will have it done by the end of today.



That'd be awesome. One more thing though. I'd like to be able to select multiple form lists and create a new form list with the contents of the selected form lists.

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Ok. That's doable, but there isn't really a script that does precisely that (yet).


I can make one. Probably will have it done by the end of today.



That'd be awesome. One more thing though. I'd like to be able to select multiple form lists and create a new form list with the contents of the selected form lists.



This will be very easy using QuickDisplay's export array function on all the formlists. You'd end up with a text document for each formlist and you could just copy paste the contents of each text document into one new text document, then import that document onto the new formlist.

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[...] I'd like to be able to select multiple form lists and create a new form list with the contents of the selected form lists.


This will be very easy using QuickDisplay's export array function on all the formlists. You'd end up with a text document for each formlist and you could just copy paste the contents of each text document into one new text document, then import that document onto the new formlist.



I am just not getting how to use Quick Display then.


This is the contents of the text document when I try:


_t_List_Books_All [FLST:03001E42]
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Ok. I was able to get this much:


_t_List_Books_All [FLST:03001E42]
FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
Do I have to add manully enter a FormIDs\LNAM for every entry in the list in order to get it to export it all?
Edit: Nope. Doing it 3 times got the same item 3 times.
_t_List_Books_All [FLST:03001E42]
FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
Edit Again: I found where indices are mentioned in the help file, but I can't get them to work. FormIDs\LNAM\[0], FormIDs\[0]\ or FormIDs\[0]\LNAM\ gets me nothing.
Edit Again: I don't doubt what you say is true. I just don't get the scripting and what it actually does. Sorry to bother you guys. I'll go back to the kiddy pool.
Edited by trilioth
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