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Sounds of Skyrim: Skip the Popup?


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I like all the options from all three sounds of skyrim modules, but I find the popup disruptive. I'm wondering if I can adjust the SoS series to skip the popup, and just assume that I want everything on?


If you're not sure what I'm talking about: SoS has a popup asking if the player wants various sounds turned on, with yes/no options and a description of each sound.

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If activating the mod the mod bothers you that much don't use? You only have to do it once when you first start it up, it's less annoying then most other mod start ups. You can just rapidly click "yes" to everything and be done with it a matter of a 2-3 seconds...

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It pops up only once. After you saved game and keep playing, there wont be any more. So not sure why it bothers you so much

Because it refuses to pop up when using Live Another Life until after I've chosen my start - even if I try to force start it early with the console. Instead of getting it out of the way while in a generic cell, it interrupts the 'real' starting sequence. For a few of my favorite starts, it tends to interrupt combat. Even if it only pops up once, it's annoying. Not that it's a huge deal, but I like to solve problems if and when I can.


This isn't even a legit problem unless you're literally constantly starting over.

Edit: whoops, I see what you mean, meant to put this in mod talk with my other thread. I am constantly starting over, though, for testing purposes. The popup is just one more of a series of unnecessary steps that I'd rather streamline. I happen to know that it IS possible, I just don't know how, yet.

Edited by Nudedragon
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