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Oblivion Spell Casting System


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Oblivion spell casting system, using a dedicated key to cast spell while having weapon(s), shield, bow or two handed weapons equipped.


It would be great not having to change from equipment to cast a spell, which is really annoying if you are playing a character that doesn't have spells equipped at all times.

I think the system in oblivion worked way better for that.


You could for example:

-Use hand not holding your bow to heal

-Holding your two handed weapon with just one hand while casting with the other.

-Or just cast with with the hand you are holding your blade with.

-You didn't need to draw your sword to cast a spell.


All of that was wonderful, and I miss this way of playing and I want it in Skyrim. So if there is anyone out there who can make this mod, than please do.


I don't know nothing about modding, but this mod probably isn't too easy to make. Since you need new animations, a way to hopefully hotkey spell changing that doesn't interfere whit the existing one and probably a shitload of other issues that soaks up a s#*! ton of time.


Thanks for your time :)


This was the only decent picture I could find with extensive searching for 2 minutes.

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