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Machines over taking the workplace


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You are the machine in the workplace.


Watch the link provided - the whole thing - and then tell me if this does not scare you ... you are being

numbered, monitored and "re-educated".

Your freedom is being challenged from a young age and as a parent you're powerless to act and if you do

you will get nowhere.

The "free will" you think you have is the type that is cooked up by the person who controls your universe.




I would then follow up by watching this one ... the result of "Outcomes based education" ... wow is all I

can say ... and it's spreading ...



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The first video was interesting. The second one was misleading to an extent. All it proves is that he was able to find a few people who gave goofy answers. A similar poll given to a pool of classical musicians, brain surgeons, or theoretical physicists would probably yield a few similar results, but it would not prove any of those groups to be collectively dumb.


The "free will" you think you have is the type that is cooked up by the person who controls your universe.

Let us say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct: My perception of my own free will is an illusion, and I in fact have none because my universe is controlled by others.


In this scenario do YOU have free will?

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Let us say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct: My perception of my own free will is an illusion, and I in fact have none because my universe is controlled by others.


In this scenario do YOU have free will?


Winston Smith felt truly liberated when he was totally enslaved ... so perhaps illusion is not even needed, just a mental paradigm

shift as to what is and what is not ... and shazam ... you believe ... yes master my beating is my reward ... I love you.

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I can't find an answer to the question in your reply....


Do YOU have free will?


It's all perspective, you have it if you believe you have it.

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It's all perspective, you have it if you believe you have it.

I still can't find an answer to the question: Do YOU have free will?


If I possess free will simply because I believe that I do then this statement:



The "free will" you think you have is the type that is cooked up by the person who controls your universe.



...sounds a bit presumptuous, in that you seem to be stating with certainty that I am being denied true free will, which you define as being dependent on personal perception, and that this denial is the result of an external controlling force. If my free will is dependent on my perception and perspective alone then why would you claim to be capable of denying its existence? If only my perception of free will from my own perspective is required to prove its existence how would it be possible for an external controlling force to affect it without my consent? Why do you assume that I have provided this required consent to that controlling force, that mysterious cook?

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