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Scripting question


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Have they changed scripting recently? I have been attempting to set up an automated light switch, one that I have used before without any problem, but it won't work now. The script I'm using comes from the Creation Kit Wiki, and I haven't made any changes to it. I set it up with the appropriate xmarker activator and 'enable parent' references on the lights, and their 'off' counterparts.



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Scripting has not changed.


Things to check...

-- Did you compile the script?

-- Did you fill in the properties?

-- Are you testing in a clean environment? i.e. Is your save file free of ANY of your mod's data?


If you do not have a "clean save" that is free of any of your mod's data, simply use the COC console command at the game menu and transport in or near the area in question.

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yes, I compiled the script by 'saving' in the CK. It's a script I've had for awhile and have used before, and yes, the properties are filled in. I'm not sure about the clean save, I'm not sure how to check the mod area if it is free of my mods data. I've used this script for the exact thing I'm trying now a bunch of times in the past with no problems, now I'm going schitzo trying to figure it out.


it should be simple: attach the script to the xmarker activator, then 'enable parent' from the on and off versions of the torchs (the 'torch permanent on' and 'torch permanent off' items)


I'm checking the 'opposite' box next tot he 'enable parent' for the off torches.



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If your mod's data is already in the save file then the game sometimes does not like to use any new changes especially to objects in the active area. You can have your mod installed but load up a save that did not have your mod included in it when you go to test. Otherwise do the COC thing from the main menu.


Chances are if it worked before and you've not done anything different as far as implementation then the issue is probably in the testing. The game is most likely being an arse.

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