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help i my charecter get stuck at the start of the game


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when i start my game
my view start infront of the moving cargo all i see is a moving horse and a cargo with no ppl in it

only a horse moving it

there is no ppl in sight

i hear the presoners talking then when the horse reach the big town door

the door dosint open and the horses get stuck and still moving in to the closed

i downloaded the latest update and the 3 DLCs i unistalled all the mods+DLCs to see if it will fix it

but still no luck

can someone please tell me a way to fix it >_<

Edited by gtomanga
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I suggest: STEP guide's Revert to Vanilla skyrim, which will remove your mods properly and allow steam to rewrite only some files, much faster than the standard remove/clean install.

Then start a new game, no mods...the beginning sequence is notorious for bugging out if you try to use mods before exiting the cave at Helgen.


Or you could try avoiding the whole opening sequence with an alternate start mod.

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