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CTD on Loading Character


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Recently my computer's harddrive gave and I needed to replace it. Fortunately for me, I have a backup drive which contained my mod work, my downloaded mods, and my saves for skyrim. Unfortunately for me, when I reinstalled everything through steam and then drag and dropped everything into my data folder, I found I could not load my character from the precrash. Even though I replaced all the mod files, when I choose to load it comes up with the message box saying some mod files were removed etc. Trying to load past that just CTDs. I had several mods active on that character, but I am almost certain I replaced them all. I am using SKSE and it is the right version. Creating a new game works perfectly fine, and no CTD as well as loading a really old character from when I wasn't using mods, So I am certain this is a mod side issue. Checking the papyrus log shows a bunch of failures to run scripts and etc. along those lines. Wondering if there is an obvious solution to this issue as I would like to have my main character back, but could make a new character if need be. Included the log from last CTD, hoping for a response soon.

Edited by hertznca
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I don't see any of your script.

The possible solution would be to identify the mods that your papyrus log is reporting as missing and then reinstall them.

If you can't figure it out from the papyrus log, copy/paste the lines that pertain to missing files and maybe someone can give you a hand.

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