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Do I need permission to use another mod as a master?


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I know that you have to get permission from mod authors if you use their assets, but what about using them as required files for compatibility patches etc?


I've made a mod that lets you take bottles of water from wells. I've also made a version which uses the bottles and waterskins from Realistic Needs and Diseases. I haven't actually incorporated anything from RND into my mod. It simply uses it as a master and swaps my own bottled water for RND's bottles.


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You need to look at the permissions section of any mod you are using resources for and modding. Usually it will be very clearly stated there, and if not then it is best to send the author a message and ask for permission directly.


As an example, when I made my house mod, I had to change the mannequin script. I looked up other mannequin resources and found something that suited my needs. After clicking on the permissions I read that I could use any assets in that mod so long as I gave credit to the mod author.


Obviously if the permissions say do not use any part of the mod in your mod then, well, don't.

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