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Everything posted by Thicketford

  1. Thank you for the replies, but unfortunately I still can't seem to figure out how to fix it. I may have to try a different program.
  2. The only file I've edited is 'SynthUniform_D.dds'. I open it in GIMP, uncheck 'load mipmaps', and edit the color. I exported it using the following settings... BC3/DXT5 compression Generate mipmaps Use Perceptual Error Metric. I placed the file in the correct folder structure in my data folder and checked it in game.
  3. I've tried removing the alpha channel but I still get the strange pattern on the arms and legs. I've noticed that the black retexture on the Nexus has the exact same white marking on the arms and legs, but the retexture is fine in the game.
  4. I'm trying to change the color of the synth uniform using GIMP, however there are transparent sections on the arms and legs. https://i.imgur.com/wroo2zB.jpg My recolor is showing in game, but the patches on the arms are showing the original colors. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  5. EDIT - I fixed the textures by opening them in Gimp and exporting them. I converted my 'Seagulls Rest' mod for SSE a while back. The PC version works perfectly fine, however the Xbox version has a few items with missing textures (they show up as purple). I realised that the textures were missing and noticed that the Xbox .bsa is about 2000kb smaller. No matter how I try to create the archive, those textures aren't added by the CK. I tried the following three methods... Creating the archive during upload to Bethesda.netCreating the archive first using the auto generated list of filesCreating the archive first, deleting the list and dragging and dropping every single file individually The textures in question are all from modders resources. Specifically the Witcher resource pack and the Kitchen tools resource pack. The files in question are... Witcher alchtools.dds chest02.dds chest02_m.dds lock.dds cards01.dds cards01_n.dds Kitchen Tools copper01_n.dds copper.dds copper_n.dds Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I was really looking forward to playing today. I'm only a few hours away from finishing my first playthrough. If Bethesda had included southpaw controls I wouldn't even have to use F4SE.
  7. For most armors, the protection per limb is the DR of the armor divided by five (torso + four limbs). However, Maxson's coat and the Minute man General Uniform have double that amount. If you look at them in the CK you can see that they occupy all five under-armor slots and all five over-armor slots. Most other armors only use one set of slots. http://i.imgur.com/ay2TIiY.jpg Do you think this was intentional?
  8. I tested my mod without pre -combining and I was getting micro stutter when turning around near Red Rocket. I tested it again after pre-combining and the stutter was gone. It would seem in this case, that generating meshes and pre-vis improved performance.
  9. The mod I am making will be the only world-editing one I have installed. I take it at the very least, it won't do any harm to generate the pre-combine and pre-vis? I've tested the mod without generating anything, and I'm not seeing any visual bugs. Also, I thought the cell reset bug had been fixed?
  10. I want to create a mod for myself that removes trash and rubble piles from Red Rocket and also add a few other items such as window shutters, posters etc. I've searched a lot of threads, but I can't find any definitive answers on the subject of pre-combined meshes and the cell reset bug. So I was hoping someone could answer a few questions. Assuming this is the only mod I have that edits an exterior cell... Has the cell reset bug been confirmed to have been fixed?Is it necessary to generate new pre-combined meshes and pre vis?What will happen if I don't generate them? I have seen reports that pre-combined meshes will be disabled only for affected cells, but I have seen others that report pre-combined meshes are disabled for the entire world space.
  11. I've added shutters to the windows at Star Light drive in. The shutters are tied to an initially disabled x marker ("shuttermarker") and I'm trying to add a script to a button that will toggle them on/off. Here's the script... Scriptname StarlightShutters extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property ShutterMarker Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (ShutterMarker.IsDisabled()) ShutterMarker.Enable() elseif ShutterMarker.Disable() endif EndEvent I keep getting the error "cannot cast a void to a bool to perform a condition check" when I try to save it. Can anyone help?
  12. Can confirm that this works. Look at the pink cupcakes in the screenshot... http://i.imgur.com/LjeLePf.jpg Also, I got the invisible meshes to appear by using the 'Triangulate All Strips' option.
  13. I'm having a similar problem with static items using custom meshes/textures. Some have the spiral pattern, others have a rainbow effect and others are completely invisible (most of my invisible ones seem to be glass bottles). http://i.imgur.com/V14Haks.jpg
  14. So scripts aren't allowed in PS4 mods? Can someone please confirm this.
  15. I assumed that items from other games are allowed if they are created from scratch and not just imported?
  16. I actually need F4SE to play the game. It's the only way I can use custom controls and use left handed analogue sticks. So I think I'm allowed to be a little annoyed about this.
  17. I want to make a mod that removes various bits of clutter from settlements (trash piles, rubble piles etc). I assumed I could just check the 'initially disabled' box in the CK, but now I'm not so sure. I have seen various threads talking about pre-combined meshes and that you have to use the 'Precombine Geometries for Current Cell' and 'Generate Visibility for Loaded Area' options to avoid visual glitches. I have a basic understanding of what pre-combined meshes are, but I'm still a bit confused. So I have a few questions I was hoping to get answers for... Is this still necessary (ie. has anything about it been touched in a recent patch)? What would happen if I didn't do it?If I dragged the objects under the world so they couldn't be seen instead of disabling would I still need to do it? See Troskii's reply here for more info... https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4592935-rebuilding-visibility-and-precombined-meshes/
  18. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16011/?
  19. I've just installed 0.1.19 and I can get into the game. Did you make sure to copy over both .dll files and delete the old .dll?
  20. Sorry, I mistyped. I copied what 'whodat1' posted. I was referring to the 0.1.19 version for the 1.6.3 beta patch. According to nalex66 in this thread... https://community.bethesda.net/thread/3335?start=195&tstart=0, 0.1.19 works with the latest update. I keep seeing conflicting reports on whether it will work or not, which is why I'm hesitant to use it.
  21. It's a shame that it was taken down. I can understand feeling drained and not wanting to make more mods, but I can't fully understand why you would pull something that you had already uploaded. You're denying access to a majority for the actions of a minority. I'm planning on using the Rebel later on in my play through, and I luckily downloaded it last week. I'd be very disappointed if I hadn't, only to find the mod had gone.
  22. Does the 1.9 beta definitely work with the new patch? Doesn't Bethesda sometimes make additional tweaks between a beta and full release? Sorry for asking, but I just want to be sure.
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