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Creepy mannequins


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Is there any way to get mannequins to work properly in the game, and to actually behave like mannequins?! (y'know, staying in the same spot and NOT moving, ever.)


I downloaded a player home that had mannequins in it, but I had to go into CK and delete them, because they constantly moved around, and scared the crap out of me. :down:


This even happened with the mannequins in the vanilla houses... one day I went to my house and the thing was literally standing right next to my bed. So, I had to delete those too... I was getting paranoid that they were gonna go on a killing spree or something. Blegh. Creepy.

Edited by Lehcar
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Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix will solve most problems with your vanilla mannequins (this will not fix all of the house mod mannequins if there are too many in a cell.)


The reason the mannequins act up is because they are actually actors, and the mannequin scripts are attempting to freeze them in place, and fighting against the hard-coded actor AI scripts.

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You're a truly sad human being. No, I'm not aware of any solution to that bug, but it has nothing to with mods. It's a vanilla skyrim bug.


Sad indeed, being creeped out by animate inanimate objects.


I've heard that line before in refference to something other than skyrim, where was it I wonder?

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You're a truly sad human being. No, I'm not aware of any solution to that bug, but it has nothing to with mods. It's a vanilla skyrim bug.


Sad indeed, being creeped out by animate inanimate objects.


I've heard that line before in refference to something other than skyrim, where was it I wonder?



I don't understand...

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