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Smithing items with random stats


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I couldn't find any mod that does this, is there one? In my opinion having smithing+enchanting on one character completely ruins the game but I don't want smithing to be useless. I'd like it if the equipment I craft comes with random stats similar to how equipment spawns in the world.

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That can't happen with the smithing process only. The recipes require certain items to make one specific item. What *might* be able to be done is modification to the recipes to create a base object that then with some scripting magic is turned randomly into one of list of weapons of that type. The reason for modifying the recipes is so that the script won't run when you pick up a normal base weapon as loot but rather run only when you craft those specific weapons.


That's my thoughts on it. Maybe someone could run with it for you. I can't play the game any more and that makes modding very difficult especially in the testing phases.

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